You will need:
1kg Seville oranges, 1x lemon, 2kg sugar, 2.5 litres water, large pan, 6 jam jars
What to do:
Cut the oranges and lemons in half and squeeze the juice out. Retain the pith and pips and place in a piece of muslin and tie tightly. Put the juice into a large preserving pan along with the water, and muslin bag. You can either prepare the peel in the proper way by quartering the oranges and lemons and then cutting into very fine strips or you can do what I do (I usually make 40 or so jars, so am all for time-saving approaches), and throw the orange and lemon husks, once quartered, into a food processor, and chop into little slivers (well, more like chunks) this way! Put the peel in the preserving pan with the water, juice and muslin bag. I leave this all to soak overnight so that the peel is softened prior to cooking.
Having left overnight, add in the sugar, and heat the contents of the pan gently, stirring to ensure the sugar has melted. Bring to boiling point and leave it on a rolling boil for about 15 minutes. Extract the pectin from the pips and pith by squeezing the muslin bag with a wooden spoon. Do this a few times during cooking. You need to check if the marmalade has reached setting point, and you can do this by dropping some marmalade on to a chilled saucer, putting in the fridge, and checking whether it has a wrinkly skin on the top if you push it gently with your finger.
Keep checking until your setting point has been reached (have a few saucers chilled in the fridge), and then turn off, and leave to sit for 20 minutes. Remove any scum on the surface with a spoon. This is a good time to sterilise your jars, by washing and heating in the oven, or by already having run through a dishwasher. Remove the muslin bag (giving a last squeeze), and stir the marmalade to distribute the peel. Put into jars using ladle or jug (please be very careful, I have survived a few nasty burns), and seal with wax disc and lids whilst hot. Done! This sounds complicated, but it isn’t, really!